Grawemeyer Award in Religion
The Grawemeyer Award in Religion is made possible by the creative generosity of the late H. Charles Grawemeyer. Louisville Seminary, jointly with the University of Louisville, awards the $100,000 prize to honor and publicize creative and significant insights into the relationship between human beings and the divine. The award also recognizes ways in which this relationship may inspire or empower human beings to attain wholeness, integrity, or meaning, either individually or in community.
2025 Winner: Julia Watts Belser
2025 Grawemeyer Religion Award Goes to Rabbi and Disability Advocate Julia Watts Belser
Georgetown professor’s book, Loving Our Own Bones, inspires reappraisal of disability

LOUISVILLE, KY – [December 5, 2024] — For reconsidering the relationship between disability and spirituality, Georgetown University Professor of Jewish Studies, Rabbi Julia Watts Belser will receive the 2025 Grawemeyer Award for Religion, the University of Louisville and Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary announced today.
Not only younger people with apparent disabilities, but also all those who manage to grow old – and everyone who loves a member of either group – will appreciate the ideas Belser set down in her book Loving Our Own Bones, which also won a National Jewish Book Award. In it, Belser uses disability theory and her own experience to rethink Biblical texts and rabbinic literature. The result is a rereading of Biblical characters such as Moses, Isaac, and Jacob, leading to an engaging analysis of ableism, and a refreshing political and social view of disability.
“Instead of grounding her work in the standard question of what the Jewish and Christian traditions say about disability, Belser asks how disability experience can serve as a ‘generative force,’ a ‘source of embodied knowledge’ about our spiritual lives,” said Grawemeyer Religion Award Director and Interim Dean of the Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary Tyler Mayfield. “Loving Our Own Bones and Rabbi Belser are worthy additions to our revered list of Grawemeyer winners.”
The first Grawemeyer Religion Award went to E.P. Sanders in 1990 for his provocative book Jesus and Judaism. Acclaimed author Marilynne Robinson won the 2006 Grawemeyer Religion Award for Gilead – the only time a novel has won. Rabbi Belser also joins the company of distinguished professors Stephen L. Carter (The Culture of Disbelief) and Diana Eck (Encountering God) in winning the Grawemeyer Religion Award.
Charles Marsh, who won the 1998 Grawemeyer Award in Religion for God’s Long Summer: Stories of Faith and Civil Rights, later described the impact the prize had on his career: “The Grawemeyer Award encouraged me to imagine concrete strategies for integrating the lessons I had learned into the practices of academic teaching and research of a new generation. It inspired me to think creatively of ways I might encourage other scholars to make journeys of their own.”
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary will host a lecture delivered by Rabbi Belser on April 8, 2025, and on April 10, she will accept her award at a ceremony in Louisville. More info coming soon!
Grawemeyer Religion Award Nominations are invited from religious organizations, appropriate academic associations, religious leaders and scholars, presidents of universities or schools of religion, publishers and editors of scholarly journals. Self-nominations will not be accepted or considered. There is no discrimination based on religious affiliation or belief or lack thereof. Previous winners are not eligible for subsequent awards.
For more information, contact Dr. Tyler Mayfield.
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
1044 Alta Vista Road
Louisville, Kentucky 40205-1798
Telephone: (502) 992-9375
Fax: (502) 894-2286
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Past Grawemeyer Award in Religion Winners
E.P. Sanders
Jesus and Judaism
John Harwood Hick
An Interpretation of Religion: Human Responses to the Transcendent
Ralph Harper
On Presence: Variations and Reflections
Elizabeth A. Johnson
She Who Is: The Mystery of God in Feminist Theological Discourse
Stephen L. Carter
The Culture of Disbelief: How American Law and Politics Trivialize Religious Devotion
Diana L. Eck
Encountering God: A Spiritual Journey from Bozeman to Banaras
No Winner
Larry L. Rasmussen
Earth Community, Earth Ethics
Charles Marsh
God’s Long Summer: Stories of Faith and Civil Rights
No Competition
Jürgen Moltmann
The Coming of God: Christian Eschatology
James L. Kugel
The Bible As It Was
Miroslav Volf
Exclusion & Embrace: A Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness, and Reconciliation
Mark Juergensmeyer
Terror in the Mind of God: The Global Rise of Religious Violence
Jonathan Sacks
The Dignity of Difference: How to Avoid the Clash of Civilizations
George M. Marsden
Jonathan Edwards: A Life
Marilynne Robinson
Gilead: A Novel
Timothy B. Tyson
Blood Done Sign My Name
Margaret Farley
Just Love: A Framework For Christian Sexual Ethics
Donald W. Shriver, Jr.
Honest Patriots: Loving a Country Enough to Remember Its Misdeeds
Eboo Patel
Acts of Faith: The Story of an American Muslim, the Struggle for the Soul of a Generation
Luke Timothy Johnson
Among the Gentiles: Greco-Roman Religion and Christianity
Barbara D. Savage
Your Spirits Walk Beside Us: The Politics of Black Religion
Tanya Luhrmann
When God Talks Back: Understanding the American Evangelical Relationship with God
Willie James Jennings
The Christian Imagination
Susan R. Holman
Beholden: Religion, Global Health, and Human Rights
Gary Dorrien
The New Abolition: W.E.B. Du Bois and the Black Social Gospel
James H. Cone
The Cross and the Lynching Tree
Robert P. Jones
The End of White Christian America
No Winner
Stephen J. Patterson
The Forgotten Creed
Duncan Ryuken Williams
American Sutra: A Story of Faith and Freedom in the Second World War | Watch Lecture
Kelly Brown Douglas
Resurrection Hope
Watch Lecture | Watch Worship
Charles Halton
Watch Lecture | Watch Worship | Watch 3-Part Book Study | View Photos