Master’s Application

A basic level of computer proficiency is necessary to be a student at LPTS. Therefore, all our application forms are fully online and will only be accepted electronically. Once you access the application, you will be emailed a link. Be sure to check your spam/junk/clutter folders if you do not receive it in your inbox. The link is needed in order to access the application form again. This allows applicants the ability to complete the form in different sessions until ready to submit to the Office of Admissions.

Please visit this link for key dates including application deadlines.

For questions, contact the Office of Admissions at:

(502)-992-9373 or (800)-264-1839, ext. 369

Application Details

MDiv/MAR Application Details

Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Religion Applicants

The application for admission is available online only. Please email if you have any questions or problems using the online application.

Letters of Recommendation

Applicants will be asked to provide an email address for each person from whom they would like to request a recommendation. Doing so will allow our application program to automatically email from Louisville Seminary ( the referrer with a form to fill out online. It is advisable to alert the referrer to look for the email and ensure they are able to access the form. One reference must be by a faculty/academic advisor from an educational institution you have attended*. Recommenders may not be related to the applicant.

*If it has been more than five years since you were in school and you cannot find an academic reference, ask someone who knows your academic ability and intellectual curiosity, as well as your classroom interaction and performance. Leaders of professional development events, training classes, and continuing education classes may be a good source of reference. If you need additional help identifying someone to provide an academic reference, please contact the Office of Admissions.

Deadline for Application

The deadline for fall admission to the Master of Divinity or Master of Arts in Religion program is June 1. The priority deadline to be considered for a Presidential Scholarship is February 1.

The deadline for International Students is December 1 for admission the following fall.

The deadline for Special Students, and those probationary candidates with a bachelor’s below a 2.5 GPA is February 1.

Applicants for master’s level degree programs may be required to interview. Please see below for more information.

See current Admissions Calendar.

Application Fee, Background Check, Interview, and Transcripts

Applications must be accompanied by a $50.00 non-refundable fee for master’s programs, using the information provided on the appropriate application form, Prospective Students | Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary ( If you are currently serving in a volunteer program that requires a commitment of 1+ years such as the PC(USA) Young Adult Volunteer Program, DOOR, or AmeriCorps, your $50.00 application fee may be waived upon request. If you believe you qualify for an application fee waiver, you must confirm this in advance by emailing Once an application fee is paid, we are unable to process any refunds.

Admission and Matriculation

An applicant who is admitted to the Seminary should indicate acceptance by filing a tuition deposit with the Office of Admissions. Applicants in good standing may choose to defer enrollment for up to one year from the initial semester of application. Admitted applicants who complete their bachelor’s degree the semester before beginning seminary must forward final college transcripts to the Office of Admissions certifying the degree and date of graduation.

Questions? Call us at (800)-264-1839 or (502)-992-9373 or email us.

Admissions Calendar

July 15

Extended Application period for fall admission to the Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Religion programs.

September 1

Application period for master-level programs opens for the following fall cohort.

Application Deadline for regular admission to the Doctor of Ministry program.

December 1

Application Deadline for international students for all master’s programs.

February 1

Application Deadline for fall admission to the Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy (MAMFT) degree program.

Application Deadline for special or probationary consideration for fall admission to the Master of Arts in Religion (MAR) and Master of Divinity (MDIV) degree programs.

Priority Deadline for Presidential Scholarship consideration for all master’s programs. (No separate application is required.)

April 1

Deadline for completed DMin applications for early admissions consideration.

April 15

Priority Housing Deadline for fall. Housing requests made after this date will be filled as space is available.

June 1

Application Deadline for fall admission to the Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Religion programs.

Come Visit Us

We hope you will come visit the learning and worshipping community of Louisville Seminary.

Your visit will help you to get a glimpse of the Louisville Seminary experience. You will have opportunity to:

  • Meet with seminary students, faculty, and staff
  • Attend classes
  • Worship in one of our chapel services
  • Tour the Louisville Seminary campus

If you contact us to arrange an in-person campus visit, we can offer you a travel stipend of up to $200.

Please contact (502)-992-9373 or (800)-264-1839, ext. 373 or e-mail us at to arrange a visit.

Application Fee and Tuition Deposit

Application Fees

The required application fee for Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Religion and Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy is $50.00 for students.

The required application fee for Doctor of Ministry students is $75.00.

Application fees for MDiv, MAR, MFT and DMin can be paid online using the information provided on the appropriate application form. Check or money order made payable to Louisville Seminary is also acceptable. Note that you will be unable to submit your application until payment has been received. To avoid delivery delays, please mail to the “Office of Admissions” at the seminary’s address. The fee is due prior to submitting your completed form and is non-refundable.

Tuition Deposits

Once you have been approved for admission, your enrollment will be complete when we receive your non-refundable tuition deposit. These funds will be applied to your student account at the seminary.

The required tuition deposit is $200.00.

Non-refundable tuition deposits can be paid online via (plus added processing fee). You may also submit your application fee (MDiv, MAR, MFT, and DMin) and tuition deposit (all degree programs) with a check or money order made payable to:

Louisville Seminary
ATTN: Office of Admissions
1044 Alta Vista Road
Louisville, KY 40205-1798