It is easy to support Louisville Seminary through my will, and it brings me great joy to know I am part of its future.
Nelson Lumm ’68

Caldwell Society

The Caldwell Society honors those who have made a gift to Louisville Seminary in their will or estate plan. It is named for Frank H. Caldwell, professor emeritus of Homiletics and President of Louisville Seminary for 28 years, and his devoted wife, Fannie.


The leadership of Caldwell Society members is an important example to others considering meaningful, long-lasting financial commitments to the Seminary. Members receive access to early publication releases and event registrations, a quarterly impact newsletter, an invitation to an annual Presidential Briefing, and a special gift to commemorate their membership in this distinguished group.

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Caldwell Society Members

How to Leave your Legacy

There are a variety of giving techniques that qualify you for Caldwell Society membership. Working with your financial advisors, there are many creative ways for you to incorporate future support for Louisville Seminary into your estate plans.

Bequest – The most common type of legacy gift, you name Louisville Seminary as a beneficiary of your will, revocable trust or retirement plan. Learn more here

Charitable Gift Annuities – In exchange for your contribution, a CGA guarantees you and/or a spouse fixed income for life. Learn more here

Charitable Remainder Trusts – Provide income to you and/or another loved one for life or a term of years. Learn more here

Additional giving options include:

About Frank & Fannie Caldwell

Frank H. Caldwell served as President of the Seminary for 28 years, as well as six years as Professor of Homiletics before becoming President. He directed the PCUS Foundation, led the effort to reunite the northern and southern churches from the 1930s to the 1950s, and influenced the lives of hundreds of Louisville Seminary students before his death in 1987.

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Fannie W. Caldwell was well known and loved on campus for her genuine caring and hospitality. She was known for never forgetting a face or a name, an ability that greatly contributed to the Seminary's ministry over the years. She died in 2008.

The Frank H. And Fannie W Caldwell Society at Louisville Seminary was established in 1995 to recognize those who have supported the mission of Louisville Seminary with a gift through their estate or other legacy plans.

Frank H. Caldwell earned a bachelor's of divinity degree from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in 1925, and Edinburgh University, where he earned his doctorate. After teaching briefly at Centre College in Danville, Kentucky, and holding two pastorates, Caldwell joined the faculty of the Louisville Presbyterian Seminary in 1930. He served as Professor of Homiletics for six years, and in 1936 he became president of the Seminary, a position he held until 1964. As president, Caldwell combined active scholarship, church leadership, and service to the community. He was president of several important educational associations, a widely published author, and a frequent guest lecturer at colleges and seminaries across the country. His intellectual achievements won him induction as an alumni member of Centre's Phi Beta chapter, among many other honors. He also served in church leadership positions too numerous to name.

In addition to his stewardship of the Louisville Presbyterian Seminary, perhaps his most important role was as one of the key figures in the reunification of the Northern and Southern wings of the Presbyterian Church in the early 1980s. His service to Centre College was almost as extensive, including longtime membership on the College's Board of Trustees.

Dr. Caldwell passed away in 1987 at the age of 85, and Fannie died in 2008 at 103 years old.

We are happy to discuss how you can support the Seminary through a thoughtful and meaningful legacy gift of any size, which will gain you entry into the Caldwell Society.

Personalizing Your Legacy

Please consult the Seminary when making a legacy gift through your will, trust or retirement plan. We can provide direction on charitable and tax strategies that support your philanthropic goals.

Contact Us

Our staff in the Advancement Office is here to help.

Phone: (502) 992-9353

Emalee Rose

VP, Office of Advancement
(502) 992 9347
Email Emalee

Beth Henley

Director of Data Management
(502) 992 9352
Email Beth

Laura Kelley

Director of Annual Giving
(502) 992-9371
Email Laura

Aaron Taylor

Alum Engagement Associate
(502) 992-9353
Email Aaron