2020 Black Church Studies Consultation

The 2020 Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary Black Church Studies Consultation was designed to build scholarly and practical resources for African American rural ministers, ministries, and congregations in order to help them thrive. The Consultation provided resources and support for a neglected and understudied area of ministry and work to build relationships of trust and power between rural ministers and Louisville Seminary faculty and students.
Rural Ministry in Nigeria
Presented by: Rev. Riley Edwards-Raudonat
German-Speaking Congregation in Abuja and Lagos, Nigeria
Liberation Hermeneutics
Presented by: Rev. Dr. Justin Reed
Assistant Professor of Old Testament/Hebrew Bible
Louisville Seminary
A Story of Disruptions: White Supremacy, Jim Crow, and Black Rural Underdevelopment
Presented by: Dr. Gerald Taylor
Managing Partner for Taylor & Taylor Strategos
Adjunct Professor for the Doctor of Ministry Program in Community Organizing and Ministry
Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
Effects of Permanent Plant Closing on Hopkinsville's Black Communities
Presented by: Rev. M. Claudette Snorton
Pastor, Greater St. James CME Church (Winchester, Kentucky)
and Rev. Marcia Watkins
Pastor, Phillips Chapel CME Church (Sturgis, Kentucky)
St. John AMEZ Church: The First Land Audit of Black Churches in Bardstown, Kentucky
Presented by: Rev. Roscoe Linton
Pastor, St. AME Zion Church (Bardstown, Kentucky)
and Mrs. Elizabeth Linton
History, Struggle, and Power: A New Theology of Rural Ministry
Presented by: Dr. Gerald Taylor
Managing Partner for Taylor & Taylor Strategos
Adjunct Professor for the Doctor of Ministry Program in Community Organizing and Ministry
Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
Beyond the Sign: From Solidarity to Black Power at Crescent Hill Presbyterian Church
Presented by Rev. Roger Veliquette
Pastor, Crescent Hill Presbyterian Church (Louisville, Kentucky)
Black Religious Life in Henry County: An Ethnographic Portrait
Presented by: Rev. Dr. Laura Rogers Levens
Assistant Professor of Christian Mission
Baptist Seminary of Kentucky
and Rev. Dr. John Inscore Essick
Associate Professor of Church History
Director of the Rural Ministry Program
Baptist Seminary of Kentucky
Black Church Studies Consultation Worship: Hopeful Ministry in a Hopeless Time
Consultation Preacher: Rev. Dr. Kilen Gray
VP for Enrollment and Student Success
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary