The Rev. Dr. Andrew Pomerville welcomed as the 11th President of Louisville Seminary!

Louisville Seminary is the leader in theological education surrounding issues of justice, community, and compassion. Together, we share an enormous responsibility for continuing the transformative “Whosoever” community ethos that permeates through the campus and spills courageously into the world locally, nationally, and abroad.
Bold and brave innovation must be deeply rooted in the next chapter of our seminary's institutional saga with an eye toward the future needs of all of God's people. In order to strengthen the “Whosoever” community, we will listen sincerely to the desires and fears of the campus and create partnerships that commit to sustainable, ongoing relationships built on trust, love and grace.
LPTS does not exist for itself to self-perpetuate. We must, first and foremost, be guided by the Holy Spirit in the mission, to educate people to proclaim the Gospel, care for all, and work for justice in communities everywhere.
On Wednesday, May 31, 2023, the Louisville Seminary community gathered in Caldwell Chapel and virtually to hear the report from the Board of Trustees and Presidential Search Committee announcing Dr. Pomerville as the incoming president of LPTS.

...the one living, true, and active Triune God, the majestic Lord who is merciful, gracious, compassionate, slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love. God is the creator and sustainer of all things seen and unseen and God alone is worthy of worship, adoration and praise. God exists beyond our understanding of time, both before the beginning and after the end, the Alpha and the Omega. God, whom Jesus knows as a faithful parent who provides for all our needs. God, the Holy Spirit, sustains us for our continuing journey of faith. In God’s mercy and love, humanity is offered redemption and the chance for reconciliation both to God and neighbor through the perfect and only possible mediator, Jesus the Christ.
Both fully God and fully human, Jesus saves humanity from our sin and brokenness. He experienced humanity in authenticity, with all the struggles, joys, questions, and celebrations therein. He is the Messiah of the Old Testament, breaking into the narrative of creation to redeem the world of its transgressions. He taught of God’s love and justice for the world by instructing humanity how to share in God’s love with one another, interpreting scripture with divine wisdom and understanding, and calling all people to an abundant life in God’s grace-filled community. All that is necessary for our salvation was completed and offered in the unique birth, ministry, crucifixion, resurrection and...
ascension of Jesus Christ. For whosoever believes in him will have abundant life now and into eternity. He served prophetically to reveal God’s plan for redemption, teaching and revealing God’s desire for our lives, for creation and for our salvation. He served in a priestly role to offer himself as the only true and acceptable sacrifice to God, necessary for atonement for humanity’s depravity and unfaithfulness. He serves as the humble monarch by continuing to reign over humanity as a servant Lord. All that was needed for salvation was revealed to us in Jesus Christ. In grace, we receive what has been offered.
In addition to the Creator and the Son, the Holy Spirit is equally God, worthy of praise and worship. The Holy Spirit unites us to God and to our siblings in all times and places, creating a new community in love and forgiveness. The Holy Spirit dwells in God’s people, providing the gift of faith and the subsequent new life in Christ. The Holy Spirit offers guidance, equips humanity with gifts and gives us the freedom to serve in the world, to offer appropriate praise to God, and to love one another. In the mysterious sacramental acts of Communion and Baptism, the Holy Spirit attends to our needs and inspires us for the journey of faith.
The Church is called to the mission of Christ, to share God’s grace and love in the world, to proclaim God’s Word of peace, justice and mercy, and to unite and strengthen believers through communion in the practice of the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Baptism serves as a sign and seal of God’s forgiveness of our sins by the covenant of grace established through Jesus Christ. It is the sign of one’s entrance into the visible Church and the beginning of one’s new life in Christ. In the celebration of the Lord’s Supper, individuals experience spiritual renewal and encouragement in a corporate setting as they remember their baptismal vows, renew their faith in God and share with fellow believers in mutual love and fellowship. Communion reminds us of our continuing need for God’s strength, grace, and encouragement. Faith consists of the indescribable and miraculous relationship with all three persons in the triune God. Our faith is not meant to exist apart from other believers. We worship corporately and serve the world according to God’s will as a united body of believers. The Church is the Body of Christ, including all of God’s children who share in the faith in Christ and in the communion of the Holy Spirit, gathered under Christ as the Head of the Church.
God is revealed and understood through the Word of God in scripture, in Christ as the Word incarnate, and in the Spirit through proclamation. This Word teaches humanity what it means to have faith, the need for God’s grace and God’s reconciling work for the redemption and salvation of humanity. God’s revealed Word in the Biblical witness makes humanity aware of our brokenness, fallibility and sinfulness. The Word provides an example of right living with one another and offers humanity a means to freely and gladly serve and praise God.
In all things, I put my faith, hope and love in the one true and Triune God.

The Rev. Dr. Andrew Pomerville brings to Louisville Seminary successful experience in both higher education and ecumenical parish ministry, defined by innovation, energy and joyful communication as an executive administrator, chaplain, and senior pastor. Currently at Alma College (MI), he is the founding director of the Center for College and Community Engagement, Assistant Vice President for Community Engagement, and Senior Chaplain. Committed to students’ formation, through his active role in recruitment he has exceeded goals for increasing enrollment; implemented the graduation requirement for off-campus involvement, while developing and teaching nine new courses; and directed the Pre-Ministry Professional Program, guiding graduates each year to LPTS for the M.Div. With Alma’s Institutional Distinctive Task, he asked where the College’s strengths meet the changing needs of our region and the world; and in the $120 million capital campaign, he co-led the $2 million fund for the...
historic chapel’s renovation. He has been a champion for anti-racism policies and LGBTQIA+ affirming practices in education and the Church. An officer of the Presbyterian College Chaplains, he participates actively in the network of the Association of Presbyterian Colleges and Universities.
Andrew came to Alma in 1998 from the multi-denominational 1300-member People’s Church of East Lansing — affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA), the. United Methodist Church, the United Church of Christ, and American Baptist Church — where as Senior Pastor for seven years he led a staff of 82 to use the church’s resources, including location and historic significance, to start new ministries focused on ecumenical partnerships, racial justice, targeted mission, and active involvement in city and state planning. Immediately before, he was pastor for five years of Church in the Hills (Bellaire, MI), with a growing membership of 250, and earlier served as a director of youth ministries and hospice chaplain.
In his ministerial leadership, Andrew has developed financial acumen with a love for fundraising, stewardship of relationships and recruitment of new giving partners. Through the Presbyterian Foundation, he has been named one of ten Church Financial Leadership Coaches, working with 12 congregations around the US each year. He was awarded the Executive Certificate for Religious Fundraising (ECRF) from the Lake Institute for Religious Fundraising (ECRF) of Indiana University/Purdue University-Indianapolis. He serves on the boards of his local community foundation and Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, and chairs the board of NYAKA, a foundation in Uganda focusing on AIDS orphans. And he has come to know LPTS as a member of the President’s Roundtable.
Ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA) in 2007, Andrew is a graduate of three Presbyterian schools: BA in history and religious studies, Alma College (2001) ; M.Div, Princeton Theological Seminary (2007), and the DMin from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (2018), focused on Reformed theology in a joint program with University of Aberdeen. In addition to the ECRF, he holds certificates in Presidential Leadership Development from CREDO, and Adaptive Leadership from Michigan State University’s College of Business.
Andrew is eager for the seminary community to meet his spouse Rachell, currently a Great Start Readiness Program specialist in the Lansing School District, and their children Denali and Bryce, who will be a senior and sophomore in high school this fall.
“Andrew Pomerville is a transformational leader who will bring dynamic energy, robust enthusiasm and rich creativity to his work as president of Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. I share his joy that he has been called to this important work.”
Jeff Abernathy, President, Alma College

Alongside his remarkable academic and professional accomplishments, Andrew is supported by a loving family. Rachell, his wife of 20 years, is an unwavering source of strength and support. Together, they have built a foundation of love and understanding that extends far beyond their own home. Andrew and Rachell are the proud parents of two vibrant teenagers, Denali and Bryce who bring joy and purpose to their lives. As a family, they cherish their time together traveling, attending musical and athletic events, and going on adventures that take them all around the world.
- The Pomervilles love to travel, having visit five continents, 17 countries, 49 states and all but one of the Canadian provinces!
- Denali and Bryce Pomerville are named after National Parks. Andrew and Rachell worked in Denali NP from April - Sept 2005 and Bryce Canyon NP is one of their all time favorites to visit.
- Prior to his call to ministry, Andrew worked as a kayak guide, deckhand and environmental scientist in Alaska.
- Rachell and Andrew's first date was on September 11, 2001. They celebrate their 20th anniversary as a married couple in September 2023.
- he Pomervilles love to make music. Between the four of them, they play piano, drums, bagpipes, guitar, ukelele, banjolele, violin, and clarinet. Three out of four of them love to sing, as well!
- On May 5, 2015, they experienced a major housefire and were displaced for almost year. They count time based on that experience and spend every May 5 offering thanksgiving for the first responders, their family and friends, and God's grace for protecting them.
- They enjoy being on the water, hiking in the woods, climbing in the mountains, and biking on the roads. They love to be on the move in nature.
- Andrew has run five full marathons and can regularly be found running with students, staff and faculty on campus.
- They are quite proud of their Scottish roots and play the bagpipes, participate in Highland Dance, and love to eat haggis! They have traveled together to Scotland a number of times and love the connection to the Kirk of Scotland.
- The Pomervilles are avid Detroit sports fans and have been season ticket holders to the Detroit Tigers for nearly a decade. Bryce has caught more than ten baseballs at Comerica Park!
- Denali and Bryce have birthdays three days and two years apart and often celebrate together with their family and friends.
“Andrew isn’t just a generational talent behind the pulpit; he’s the whole package. He’s a visionary thinker, a collaborative and compassionate leader, a tireless student advocate, a gifted educator, a proven recruiter and relationship builder, and an amazing friend. His boldness, boundless energy, and terrific sense of humor are just a few of the many reasons that he can so easily draw in others and galvanize entire communities. Louisville Seminary has hit the jackpot with its new leader.”
Matt vandenBerg, EdD, CFRE, President, Professor of Education, Presbyterian College
Connect With Andrew
President Pomerville looks forward to connecting with you. Provide your contact information below to schedule a time to connect, or share a message.
“Dr. Pomerville’s proven record of innovation, creativity, and adaptive leadership will serve the seminary well in the next season. His commitment to WHOSOEVER, his lifelong attentiveness to student formation and his embrace of a joyful theology of stewardship will allow him to share our seminary’s story in an exciting and compelling way.”
The Rev. Mary Gene Boteler
Presidential Search Committee, Chair