Marcus A. Hong
Director of Life-Long Learning and Associate Professor of Practical Theology, Director of The Sun-Walking Fellowship, Chapel Worship Coordinator

Alma College, BA; Princeton Theological Seminary, MACE and MDiv 2011; PhD 2024
Marcus A. Hong joined Louisville Seminary’s faculty in 2016. Born in Salt Lake City, UT, he lived in Michigan and New Jersey prior to coming to Kentucky. He is currently seeking ordination in the Presbyterian Church (USA).
His service of Christian ministry has taken multiple forms: music and worship leadership in college chapels, a PCUSA 1001 worshipping community, and high school youth groups; youth ministry in congregations large and small; educational and pastoral internships in three PCUSA churches in New Jersey; and lay pastor for two small United Methodist churches in rural New Jersey. He regularly leads worship, music, and workshops for conferences around the country. He now guides the multicultural and ecumenical worshipping life of Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary as Chapel Worship Coordinator.
His contributions to the broader church include writing liturgies for the Connections Worship Companion series (WJK Press, 2021–2024) and developing courses and curricula, including writing foundational essays for the PCUSA’s Follow Me curriculum (2021–2023), and creating UWorship, a UKirk Worship Resource (Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, 2015), which was written with a team of campus ministers. His editorial and research contributions can be seen in such publications as How Youth Ministry Can Change Theological Education—If We Let It (Eerdmans, 2016) and With Piety and Learning (Lit Verlag, 2011). He recently published a chapter on “Learning through our Community” in Enlighten: Formational Learning in Theological Field Education (Rowman and Littlefield, 2020). His current research interests include intercultural worship, intergenerational arts-based ministry, the Psalms and spiritual formation, and the ways in which poetic and musical forms shape communities of empathy, radical welcome and hospitality.
A passion for equipping people for ministry brought me to Louisville Seminary. Lifelong Learning thrives at the intersection of vibrant practice and deep theological reflection, intentionally broadening and deepening our community of learning, by bringing together alums, current students, community partners, curious learners, our stellar faculty, and new voices and perspectives to address critical issues and inspire faithful, caring, and just living.
—Marcus A. Hong