Dianne Reistroffer

Professor Emeritea of Ministry and Methodist Studies; Interim Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program; Special Projects Coordinator to the Dean

College of St. Teresa, Winona, Minnesota, BA; Villanova University, Villanova, Pennsylvania, MA; Boston University School of Theology, MTS., MDiv; University of Wisconsin, Madison, PhD; further study at Harvard Graduate School of Education

The Rev. Dr. Dianne Reistroffer is a seasoned pastor, professor, and administrator with thirty years of experience as a Doctor of Ministry educator. Dianne currently serves as Interim Director of the D.Min. Program and Professor Emerita of Ministry and Methodist Studies at Louisville Seminary. Dianne’s teaching and scholarly interests embrace a wide range of interests: adult religious education, the study of congregations, Methodist history and doctrine, the Social Gospel today, faith and money, and American religious history. Dr. Reistroffer received her B.A. from the College of St. Teresa (MN), an M.A. in History from Villanova University, M.T.S. and M.Div. degrees from Boston University School of Theology, and the Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin.

An ordained elder in the United Methodist Church, Dianne has pastored six congregations in Wisconsin, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Kentucky. A “turn-around specialist” and leader of church renewal, Dianne helped to spark new ministries within the churches and communities in which she served. Before she came to Louisville Seminary, Dr. Reistroffer was the Executive Director of the Wesley Foundation at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Senior Pastor of University United Methodist Church which included two congregations, one English-speaking, the other Korean-speaking. At the time, University UMC was one of two reconciling congregations in the state, with nearly one-third of the congregation identifying as LGBTQIA+. UUMC was a national leader in pressing the denomination to embrace a gay-affirming, gay-inclusive stance and ministry. Currently, Dianne is one of three women pastors at New Life in Christ Church (Disciples of Christ), located inside Diersen Center, a halfway house for women in recovery and in transition back to the community. It is the only prison congregation in Kentucky and is supported by Mission Beyond Bars and Beyond (MB3), a progressive, ecumenical non-profit organization.