Lecture Series

The Caldwell Lectures honor former Louisville Seminary President Frank H. Caldwell who served from 1930 to 1964. Dr. Caldwell was Professor of Homiletics during his time at the seminary in addition to serving as President from 1936–1964. He also served as the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in the United States in 1966 after retiring from the seminary. In addition to the Caldwell Lectures a professorship in homiletics has been endowed in his name at the seminary.
Some of the Caldwell Lectures are available online:

The Edwards Peacemaking Lectureship honors Dr. George Edwards and his wife, Jean. Dr. Edwards, an alum of Louisville Seminary (BD ’51), also served the Seminary for 27 years as Professor of New Testament. Dr. Edwards died June 2, 2010. Together, Dr. and Mrs. Edwards shared a ministry that was active in Christian efforts for peace and social justice. Established in 1986, the Edwards Peacemaking Lectureship endowment supports a visiting lecturer to teach a special course or programs in continuing or lay education.
Traditionally, the Edwards Peacemaking Lectureship has been coupled in time and theme with the Black Church Studies Consultation because of the shared focus on peace and social justice. Some of the Edwards Lectures are available online:
2024 | Rev. Dr. Tony W. Barr, Sr. | Navigating Challenges and Embracing Opportunities |
2023 | Dr. Trina Armstrong | Reimagining a Post-Covid-19 Black Church: Lessons, Opportunities, and Possibilities |
2022 | Dr. David Goatley | Black Baptist Traditions (part 3 of 3) |
2022 | Dr. Camille Brown | Black Roman Catholic Traditions (part 2 of 3) |
2022 | Dr. Lewis Brogden | African American Pentecostal Traditions (part 1 of 3) |
2021 | Rev. Dr. Teresa L. Fry Brown | The Church of Allen: Tending Our Own Vine and Fig Tree |
2021 | Bishop Othal Hawthorne Lakey | The Rise of Colored Methodism |
2014 | Susan Thistlethwaite | A Just Peace Approach to Ending the Global War on Women |
2012 | Dr. Suzanne Holland | Give Me Children or I Shall Die: Technologies of Desire |
2011 | Anant Rambachan | The Resources and Challenges for Constructing a Hindu Theology of Liberation |
2009 | Frances Adeney | The New Mission Worker |
2007 | Charles Marsh | The Beloved Community: American Search, Christian Hope, Human Struggle |

The Greenhoe Lectures were established in 1966 by Memorial Presbyterian Church in Midland, Michigan, in honor of their former pastor, Dr. Theodore M. Greenhoe. Dr. Greenhoe was a member of the Louisville Seminary class of 1934.
Some of the Greenhoe Lectures are available online:
2024 | Dr. Mary Clark Moschella | Resistance & Resonance: A Narrative View of Justice & Self-Care |
2023 | Dr. Hillel Gray | Questioning Toxic Theology and Tolerance |
2022 | Dr. Duane R. Bidwell | Attending to Spirit: Spirituality & Childhood Hope in Chronic Illness |
2022 | Dr. Lee H. Butler, Jr | When Will It End?: The Protracted-Traumatic Stress of Living as An Other |
2017 | Dr. John B. White | Who is Afraid of Sports? Play, Bodies, and Formation (Part Two) |
2017 | Dr. John B. White | Who is Afraid of Sports? Play, Bodies, and Formation (Part One) |
2015 | Wesley Granberg-Michaelson | Navigating the Changing Landscape of World Christianity |
2013 | Steven Prothero | No Common Creed: The American Bible from Thomas Jefferson to Barack Obama |
2008 | Otis Moss III | Preaching in the Post-Modern World |
2008 | Cláudio Carvalhaes | Preaching from the Borders: The Impossibility of Hospitality |
2007 | Rev. Dr. Joretta L. Marshall | Finitude and Unfinished Business |
2007 | Rev. Dr. Joretta L. Marshall | Forgiveness and Beyond |
The Henry H. and Marion A. Presler Lectureship was established to honor the couple’s missionary service and to inspire the Louisville Seminary community and its wider community about issues of global mission and the role of American denominations in their historical and present witness to mission. The topics of the lectures vary, but the overall theme is Jesus Christ’s commission to the church in Matthew 28:19–20, to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.” Dr. Henry Presler studied for two years at Louisville Seminary and then transferred to Boston University School of Theology. In his later years he remembered his formative time at Louisville Seminary and left a bequest for this lectureship.
Some of the Presler Lectures are available online: