Louisville Institute Restructuring

LPTS recently announced a restructuring of the Louisville Institute. We understand these changes have raised many questions within our community. This FAQ page is designed to provide clarity and address the most common concerns regarding the restructuring process, its impact, and our commitment to supporting the Seminary’s mission. We hope these help explain the rationale behind the decisions and offer reassurance during this period of change. Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did Louisville Institute require restructuring?

We had not undertaken an in-depth evaluation of mission alignment for some timeā€”an assessment that organizations like ours should do regularly. In undertaking this evaluation, we realized that we were falling short of our potential and needed to refocus our resources to remain fully responsive to our mission. The restructuring helps, among other things, to ensure the LI is administratively-aligned and supported by LPTS. This support will help keep the LI more nimble in carrying out its mission.

How was the restructuring decision made?

We conducted an independent, external study and thoroughly examined best practices across peer institutions. Based on those findings, we consulted with the LI Advisory Board and the Seminary Board of Trustees which are both in support of the restructuring in order to more effectively integrate and support the missions of both the institute and the academy.

Why were the four employees at LI let go rather than reorganized into the new structure?

It’s difficult to part ways with our colleagues, but it was necessary to realign LI with the mission of LPTS and our funding partners. Based on our review, the restructuring of LI included eliminating positions that no longer met the needs of the organization and creating new ones with additional responsibilities that will better suit our goals. All employees have been encouraged to apply for the posted positions.

I’ve heard LPTS treated the four laid off employees poorly. Isn’t that in opposition to our mission?

The decision to eliminate positions was not taken lightly and we acknowledge how difficult it is to part ways with colleagues and friends. We assure you that all separating employees were treated with respect and compassion. They were offered severance agreements to support them in this transition and all were encouraged to apply to the new positions associated with the Institute.

All four laid off employees are women. Is this restructuring the result of gender discrimination?

Absolutely not. The restructuring is in response to a comprehensive study and assessment that found LI needed to be restructured in order to best serve the academy and the Church.

Were the women laid off because they were whistleblowers about Title IX and other violations?

Absolutely not. While we cannot discuss the specifics of these confidential investigations, the allegations were thoroughly investigated by an independent third-party organization with expertise in this area.

We heard that a Title IX complaint was filed and some feel their voices were not heard or even silenced. Are you concerned about the culture at LPTS?

We want LPTS to be a welcoming place that promotes community and care for all. We take all complaints seriously. We engaged an independent, third-party to investigate to ensure unbiased, thorough review. In this case, they conducted interviews, reviewed documents, and concluded that no Title IX violation occurred. However, we remain committed to continuously improving our culture and ensuring all community members feel respected. During the past 12 months, we clarified our Title IX policy, process and procedures, and added training and resources. We will continue to listen, reflect, and address concerns openly.

The four departing employees felt unsupported by LPTS and felt that they could be more effective if they could operate LI more independently. Do you agree?

No, we completely disagree. The Louisville Institute simply put is LPTS and will remain LPTS. More importantly, the LI Board and the LPTS Board are all in full support of integrating and aligning the work of LI with the mission of the LPTS, not separating it out.